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I like rain. It possess a sensual melancholy ( to quote a certain Fem Dom in a certain book.)
and it puts me in an introspective, yet philosophical mood. Mayhap, even poetic..
Rain . . . rain . . .don't go away . . . come back . . .
Tomorrow . . .
Ok, I admit, not one of my better efforts, however, the simplicity of that old child rhyme strikes a deep chord within.
If it were sunny every day, life would be boring...
That's right, step right up, Ole K.B. gonna give ya some bang for your buck.
Ok, maybe you aren't going to part with the George Washington's just yet, because I haven't told you what I'm offering at CrAzY bargain basement prices.
Ready? Wait for it...
That's right, VALUE POSTING. Excited? I am. Whew, baby, its hot in here.
Hot air, that is...
Part of the deal of being a small fry in a super-sized extra value meal of E-publishing is promoting your work. The old tried and true advice is write...Write...WRITE. Expand your back list, which, theoretically, increases sales and that equals more royalty checks in the mail.
I get that. For me, its essential advice I have to take to heart. However, you do have to promote your stuff, get it out there in the best possible venue to attract readers.
If you don't have a team of promoters on tap, what do you do? Well, luckily we live in a digitial age, which translates to accessibility in the form of the internet, and social media.
Blogging: Yup every-one does it (I'm doing it now and gonna do it again. Sounds naughty, dunnit it?) It's a necessary Evil. Quite fr
ankly, I'm not a big fan of bloggity-bloggin'. Where do you go? How much do you chatter on your home turf? How long should my blog post be? Does anybody even read these freakin' things?
Twitter: Short. Sweet. Tweet-Tweet.
FaceBook: The mother of all social media sites. Yes, you must have a presence here. No.Freaking. Doubt. So, what do you post? Angst-y diatribes against Starbucks for running out of Pumpkin Spice Latte? Your wee little one weeing in the wittle potty? Or just shill, screaming COME BUY MY BOOK and waving an Amazon gift card in everyone's profile pic face?
I think its a little of both. Recently, I was told by those who've done time in the trenches in the 'biz' is to focus on value posting. Don't do angsty or quirky. Stick to the PLAN. Promote your work via authorial type commentary..
Yeah, I can do that, but I'm gonna through in some funky shit along the way.
My advice to all Authors: Be accessible. Be yourselves. Be the ball.
So, what VALUE have I given you, Dear Reader, today?
Not much, but this:
Moisturize. Every day.
Yup, men too. Find a decent product. Lather up.
Hey, not in the shower, dudes.